HIGH NOON Digital Juggernaut
In this weeks Tuesday HIGH NOON Challenge we explore several avenues. From a philosophy of simplicity, to the challenges of codiing, to the core of the open source universe we are noting the past and charting the future.
Digital Juggernaut is in reference to Linus Torvalds the inventor of Linux and Git. Can You Dig it?! is an article I started this week. I have known for a while that LInus was the inventor of git but was not sure so I did a little digging and found an article and was inspired to create some clipart. This was the first iteration:

See the link above to Can you dig it?! for the Linus inspired image. Well now you know the reference to "Warriors come out to play" in the title image above.
I created my first Flask app this morning and was pleasantly surprised. Have a feeling it will be very useful for my web app development. Which brings me to the last title image reference Django which I compare to Flask in my most recent article Flask First Impressions.
It's High Noon! Show up or shut up. Show up and you win! Cheers.